Workshops & Speaking

It’s a visceral experience. When Ella helps you connect the dots, and see how your life’s journey has made you who you are — that’s when you find your true strength.

Creating Leaders With the Capacity to Do

Whether speaking one-on-one or to a room full of people, Ella’s authentic, down-to-earth approach is a more powerful kind of leadership training. She takes you on a deep dive into who you really are, helps you understand your strengths and weaknesses — and how weaknesses can become true strength.

The results are measurable and transformative. By breaking people down to their core then rebuilding them, Ella creates value-driven leaders who balance self-confidence and self-awareness and can make better contributions to their companies and their world. She shows them how to connect their head to their heart and to be the Diplomatic Warrior that’s always been inside of them.






Customized Programs

Workshops & Seminars | Keynote Address | One-On-One Coaching | Corporate Consultation

Drawing on her experience in the classroom, corporation and research, Ella teaches and speaks on topics spanning leadership skills, legacy, race and gender. She works closely with clients to identify the needs of their organization and tailor a program based on the outcomes they’re looking for.

Her programs are alive and immersive. Ella uses a variety of teaching methods, including experiential exercises, simulations, role-play, small group discussions, reflection and action research. She inspires, excites, enables and empowers women to be the difference. To be the Diplomatic Warrior™ that’s inside them.




Know Who You Are

Explore your life journey as it relates to your leadership narrative. This developmental experience is focused on deepening self-awareness and authenticity, while enhancing leadership capacity.

Career GPS

Explore career strategies for advancing in management based on the book, Career GPS: Strategies for Navigating the New Corporate Landscape. Topics include cultivating successful relationships, building a solid performance track record and enhancing your corporate persona. A must for mid-level managers!

LEGACY: Creating It and Living It

Your legacy is much more than what you bequeath to loved ones at end of your lives. Legacy is how we live our lives to create better relationships and make the world a better place. Explore the legacy you are building and the imprint you really wish to make in the world.

Life As A Three-Ring Circus

These days too many of us are running on empty trying to be the perfect parent, perfect partner and perfect manager. Discover ways to create more space and fulfillment in all contexts of life.

Getting Out of Your Own Way

Research shows women waver with their self-confidence and self-esteem. They are easily beaten down and get stuck always trying to prove their worth. The purpose of this program is to help women get unstuck, to stop their self-limiting behaviors and realize they are worthy.

Tapping Into Your Power

Do you embrace your power? How do you influence others? The purpose of this program is to understand your unique style of power and to create greater ways to influence others. High touch power and low touch power techniques will be shared, along with tips for managing others.

Advancing All Women in the Workforce

Our Separate Ways was published in 2001. In it we revealed how women of color were not advancing in the workplace in comparison to white females. In the last 16 years not much has changed. In fact, women as a group as are not advancing in a timely fashion. Understand the barriers that stop women from advancing and what can be done to really make a difference in your company for women.